Pure joy! That's how I felt when I was printing out my thesis. I couldn't even control my smile when we were having our lunch moments before the 'big moment'. Suddenly, there's a thinking, this is it! After so many months, this is it!
Ohya, we called our thesis as Baby, and it's a twin! (cause we need to submit two copies to the Faculty, one copy for each assessor.)

~My babies~
Seriously, Final Year Project was just like a pregnancy. We started our FYP bench work during early October last year, which lasted for 3 months till mid January this year. Then has been writing our thesis for the past few months. Reading journals, writing, correcting, rewrite, correct again..bla bla bla..took us 7 months! Similarities between FYP and pregnancy? Here goes!
1. Choosing FYP title was just like choosing your partner. FYP - Find Your Partner -->, Finalised Your Partment->, Forever Your Partner, there's no turning back (Yuen, 2010). Except for our case, it's our partner for few months only. However, it's an experience that last forever, right?
2. Bench work: It's like the first trimester of pregnancy, where we always heard from elders it's the most important stage, have to becareful etc. Same applies to FYP. By hook or by crook, you'll have to complete your bench work in three month's time, no matter how much you have to do, you'll have to finish it.

Oh, I miss my bench~
3. Supervisor: During pregnancy, the pregnant lady has to go for check-ups right? And who did the check-ups? Doctors. As for our FYP supervisor, most of them have the designation 'Dr." in front of their name too! Hahaha!

My supervisor Dr. Kho..shh, don't tell her we got this pic ^^
Strict but is a very very caring supervisor!
4. Pain-stalking journal hunting and reading. Just like pregnancy, parents nowadays, young parents especially, will read a lot of articles on pregnancy. What to do, what not to do, which will be the best for your child etc. FYP? There's only one word to describe it: Argh! (Is argh a word? lol!). There are so many articles out there, but so many of them (that I wanted) has to be subscribed. I have to ask help from friends whose Uni has larger database than UTAR. Special thanks to HUI LI and JULIE!!

Thesis writing. This is considered a quite organised table. You haven't see the worst~
5. Spent countless sleepless night just because of it. I think it is applicable to both cases? Haha!
6. The feeling of pure joy when it's finally done. All the hard work months before was worth it. Like a mother after delivering her baby (from what I saw in movies, and from my mom's stories), you'll forget all the hardship you faced when you see your baby. Yeah, the moment I saw my thesis coming out piece by piece from the printing machine, I' m just speechless~

It's here, it's here!!
Difference between pregnancy with FYP is: you have to take care of the child for your whole life. FYP? Maybe it'll affect the life of some of us, who knows?

Me and Pei Sin, carrying our babies, hahaha!

All DONE! Hope we'll all get great marks for that~
P/S: THANK YOU DR. KHO and my postgrad senior RACHEL! LOVE YOU GUYS!!! Oops, GIRLS!