Apr 14, 2010

Stacko? Jenga?

We used to go out every night at 7pm in a group for our dinner. Due to 'unlimited' test, assignment and reports, the bad weather, laziness..and of course some 'issues', our 'dinner gang' has been very unstable. So, only Eileen, Kaswin and me when out last week, forgot when is the day...to Forest Cafe...

Remember the game where we stack up 3 wooden sticks on every floor into a tower and we have to pull out the sticks one by one and hope it won't fall? What is the name of the game..jenga? stacko? The label says the duration for a game is around 15 minute and we finish it in 3 minutes for the first few games.

We were extremely fast? Or badly skilled? I choose the first choice though..^^