Oct 1, 2009

Coming up: INTERNSHIP!!

Hehehe, that's right! Internships for Biotech Year 2 is going to start soon!!

Starting from next Monday (5/10/09), I'll be completing my internship at Pathology & Clinical Laboratory Sdn. Bhd. in Kelana Jaya. It's the HQ for the whole Pathlab chain in Malaysia..but who cares? As long as I could learn something, which I think, I probably would learn a lot..(no allowance...haizz..)

I would like the thank Eileen's mother for everything..hehe

One downside: weekly reports for internal supervisor a.k.a assigned lecturer from University. WEEKLY! Received an e-mail from Dr.Choo today: short report, a summary of approximately 2 pages..which exclude the cover page, I think. Thanks to the non-stop experiment report almost every week since first sem, this should be much problem, right? Certainly hope so!

Anyway, I would be living with Eileen and Cindy for whole 11 weeks. O.O
Happy, excited, anticipating...wahahaha...wondering how much crazy stuffs we would be doing again..hm...

This would be my second 'job'..another working experience..yeah! Ohya, I won't be able to online as frequent as now in the next three months I think..I certainly would miss the wonders of internet A LOT!

Well, sometimes we have to make some sacrifices to gain something, right?


~eRiC~ said...

dr choo.. so nice.. i havent checked mine yet.. all the best ya!!^^

Jaydon said...

wah!!! y u write like will or somehing. haha.